Jenice & Andres

Jenice & Andres
Pregnant on Paper!


This is our little spoiled princess!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

6 Months today- 5 or 6 more times :)

Today makes 6 months that we've been on the waiting list. We are waiting for more info from our new agency "Gladney". They are still in the transfer process of "Commonwealth" families and we have not had personal case manager contact from them yet so we are just waiting. WAITING is the name of the game!!!! I'm officially done reading both of the adoption short story books I purchased -they were great so now I have to try to find a few others. I have to start updating some documents for our 1600a renewal so for the next coming months I will be working on those. On a side note, we have been dodging hurricanes thus far so we will see if our good luck continues. I still went to the grocery store and purchased some supplies just in case :)